
XN Project Executive Summary

Overview: Each team will create and present (in W6) an overview of the project’s proposed scope and lessons learned.

Presentation’s audience – The project sponsor (role played by professor).

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Note: Assignment details outlined in separate document on Blackboard.

Submit team presentation with either narration or speaker notes to Blackboard.

Background on Creation Labs

Innovation Underwriters: https://www.innovationunderwriters.org/

IU is a nonprofit with a mission to foster innovation in insurance and risk management.

Creation Labs: https://www.innovationunderwriters.org/creation-la…

Creation Labs is an initiative of Innovation Underwriters that is being designed to provide experiential learning opportunities to innovators (within and external to the industry) while at the same time solving insurance and risk related problems. We want to amplify and accelerate ideas on a journey from blue-sky to blueprint at which point we hand off the blueprint to some entity more suitable to scale the idea. Participants in the process should leave with a better ability to solve problems themselves. We also want participants to gain from the success of solutions designed in the labs.

It is helpful for students to understand a little bit about innovation theory and how ideas evolve. Here are two videos that inform our strategies and tactics.

Where good ideas come from, Steven Johnson:

A crash course in creativity, Tina Seelig at TEDxStanford:

The context in which we are doing this is insurance and risk management which also has some unique characteristics which could also be relevant to students’ understanding of the project. A Cognizant report () provides an overview of some issues facing the industry. It contains a good description of the value chain in the industry which is relevant.

  • Modernizing the Insurance Value Chain: Top Three Digital Imperatives

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