
HOMEWORK HELP | A not for profit hospice center in a small community received a generous gift from a grateful family of a patient who had died recently.

A not for profit hospice center in a small community received a generous gift from a grateful family of a patient who had died recently.

The family asked only that money be put to the best use possible. Everyone in this small facility had an opinon about the best use for the money. The administrator wanted to renovate the old run down headquarters, the financial officer wanted to put the money in the bank for a rainy day, The chaplin wanted to add a small chapel to the building, the nurses wanted to create a food bank to help the poorest of their clients, the social workers wanted to buy a van to transport clients to healtcare providers. The staff agreed that all the ideas had merit,that all the needs identified were important ones. Unfortunately, there was enough money to meet only one. The more the staff members discussed how to use the gift the more insistent each group became that their ideas was best. At there last meeting, it was evident that some were becoming frustrated and that others were becoming angry. It was rumored that a shout match between the administrator and the financil officer had occured.

1.In your analysis of this situation, identify the sources of the conflict that are developing in this facility.
2.What kind of leadership actions are needed to prevent the escalation of this conflict?
3.If the conflict does escalate how could it be resolve?
4.Which Idea do you think has the most merit? Why did you select the one you did?
5.Try role playing a negotiation among the administrator, the financial officer,the chaplin,a representative of the nursing staff, and a representative of the social work staff. Can you suggest a creative solution?

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Ase study on a 80 year old lady with heart failure
Provide Social political economic impact.
Use a holistic approach Critically examine relevant clinical findings explore rationale for treatment and management approach explore and critically examine patients attitude to condition and management Discuss health promotion in relation to risk factors and concordance.conclusion summarise any realistic recommendations for future practice these should be precise and supported with evidence.
80 year old lady diagnosed 2years ago with heart failure also NIDDM Referred to heart failure nursing service after hospital admission for exacerbation of HF.RALES trial

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